Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Although our bedroom wasn't horrible by any means,  I never loved the color of the walls and I was over the dark, scratched up bed and nightstand set we have had bought many, many years ago.

We have a big kitchen reno around the corner and although I am busy with working on everyone else's pieces, I KNOW that I will be burned out after the kitchen and needed to get this out of the way.

It's kind of weird to have one of my own pieces in my spray booth:)

This is stage one of many layers of metallic glazing that is going to happen to my bed.  Actually, I really don't know what I am doing to my bed…I will just layer and stop when I like it:)

I am a true believer that if you are working on a room (and mattress on the floor), you totally don't have to clean the room or make your bed:)

Special thanks to Marc for acting interested every time I put a new color on the walls and he acts interested:)  Still have NO idea what color I am doing...

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