Monday, July 28, 2014


It's not often I pat myself on the back but will have to say, after the hundreds of hardware holes I have drilled and even a few mess ups, I have perfected the art of drilling holes for new hardware perfectly!  I'm pretty quick too:)
Although I have to admit, that if I have had a glass of wine  I should probably just save this job for the next day…just sayin

The before.  I LOVE the original hardware on this piece but we were going for a more masculine look and clients loved this modern hardware.  Also, if you look closely, whoever originally installed this hardware didn't do a very good job. Many were a wee bit off.

1-First thing I do is line the drawers up, the ones that are going next to each other and make sure they are facing the same way (open drawer area up). Not all drawers are the same height going DOWN the dresser and you may be adjusting holes, but the side by side drawers, you WILL WANT to make sure the holes are EXACTLY lined up for sure!

2-put a piece of tape in the area you will be marking and drilling

3-Find the CENTER of each drawer (the long way) and make your mark.

4-I do not always feel you need to find the EXACT center of the drawer from top to bottom but tend to find a solid measurement very close to the center that will look nice and be easy to obtain on each drawer. 

5-This is where I ditch the tape measure and use a smaller ruler.  Much easier to work with.

Find the hole spread on the hardware and find the center. I got lucky and had a simple 3" spread, so the center was 1.5".

Below you can see my marking for the center and how far down I decided to go. I put that 1.5" (center of hole spread) at my center mark of drawer to find the 3" hole spread.

 6-Mark where the holes will be drilled.

 7-Make your marking on how far down to go

8-Double check all of your measurements and drill the holes!  The tape will not only help with keeping the drawer front clean but will help the make for clean holes:)

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