I love me some antique and "vintage" items, but this was VIIIINTAAAAAGE! I swear, someones sweet little great, great, grandpa put this beauty together nail by nail with his flimsy little hand saw for great, great grandma, and it's been loved and pasted down for years, right into my hands... well, actually into the hands of my new friend Andrea:)
I'm loving the beautiful deep blue color we chose. It is actually called "Deep Sea Blue" by SW. And I really think spraying a color on this piece makes the pretty details pop out even more. And who doesn't love glass knobs?
Now just for a second...ignoring the dusty lamp and annoying bright flash, would you just TAKE A LOOK AT THAT AWESOME FINISH!!!
Seriously! Could never achieve this finish with a paintbrush and roller, or even with someone who does have a sprayer but does not do quality work.
Absolutely LOVE it, Julie! You are truly amazing! This turned out to be so beautiful! Thank you! THANK YOU!